We provide opportunities for people of all genders to engage in dialogue, build awareness, and take action to reject unhealthy cultural messages about gender. Email us at phallaciesinc@gmail.com to bring Phallacies to you.



       Transformative Dialogue

One of the key ways that unhealthy messages of masculinity operate is that they stay under the surface, unconscious and not talked about. This means that one of the most effective tools in our tool kit for exposing and actively fighting these messages is dialogue. In this training, our expert facilitators offer a set of activities that are structured to enhance the ability of participants to engage effectively in inter- and intra-group dialogue, using charged current events as a jumping-off place. 

     Bystander Intervention

It can sometimes be a lot easier to change your own behavior or attitudes than it is to positively affect sexist, racist, or otherwise oppressive behavior in your peers, friend group, family, or other areas of your life. Intervening when someone perpetuates harmful messages or condones violence takes real skill and practice, and that’s exactly what this training provides. We can offer a generalized training or a training that is specific to topics related to creating healthy masculinities and/or violence prevention.

     Reimagining Men’s Leadership

Healthy and effective leadership in men is about learning to take the lead of women and other marginalized people and unpack internalized dominance and entitlement as much as it’s about learning how to organize effective events, build coalitions, and drum up support for a group or a cause. In this training we work with a group to establish a groundwork that can create the leadership models you want to create through authentic listening, living by one’s values, and being a model in one’s life.

     Intersectional Approaches to Working with Men 

“Men” is a broad category. Race, class, sexuality, age, ability, transgender experience, nationality, and other identities intersect to create different experiences, perspectives, and relationships with masculinity and with systems of power, and understanding these intersections is vital for charting a new path forward. In this training we examine how these intersections of identity affect men’s experiences of masculinity and power and facilitate the development of skills that can effectively incorporate these differences in working to develop healthy and authentic masculinities.


We also create specialized or custom-fit trainings and workshops. Contact us to chat about your needs!



We regularly do presentations, lectures, and keynotes for schools, classes, community organizations, and other groups on healthy masculinity, the role of men in ending sexism and violence, consent, and the other topics on this page.


We can help you incorporate the values of Phallacies into your school, classroom, group, or organization, whether by working to create structures that support healthy masculinities and anti-oppressive leadership by men, or by developing programs or classes that create space for people of all genders to explore toxic expressions of masculinity and foster healthy gender dynamics.


Start a Phallacies chapter in your school or community organization! We are here to help you get started and can provide training and technical assistance at all stages of your process. It is more vital than ever that young men be supported—by their peers and by mentors—in grappling with how to eradicate violence and cultivate authentic, healthy masculinities.


Phallacies performs in groups of two to eight people; our performances can be a stand-alone show or part of a larger program. Our performances can easily be tailored to your needs. To get a sense of the type of performance we do, check out our videos page.

Want to produce your own Phallacies performance? Talk with us about licensing our show, another great way to bolster your efforts to support healthy masculinities.

We look forward to hearing from you! Email Phallacies at phallaciesinc@gmail.com to talk about your needs and how we might be able to meet them.